Amp Holiday Schedule
All class hours will run as usual, except for the following:
- December 31: 8am Bootcamp, 9am CrossFit only
- January 1: No class
Amplify Post-Holiday Party
Join us Saturday, January 12 for Amplify’s annual Post Holiday Party!
Hang Power Clean [Video]
Power Clean [Video]
Push Jerk [Video]
Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes compete the following complex:
1 High Hang Power Clean (Pockets) + 1 Low Hang Power Clean (Below Knee) + 1 Power Clean (Floor) + 1 Push Jerk. Build as you go.
5 Rounds of 2 Minutes to Complete:
15 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
10 Power Cleans (#135/95)
With any time remaining: Max Airdyne Calories
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Scored by total Airdyne Cals.
22 min AMRAP
4 Width lunges
6 Width sprints
8 Sprawls
10 KBS
12 Cals (you choose)
Tabata: (4 min)
:20 Bicep curls
:10 rest
:20 Tricep kickbacks
:10 Rest
Tabata: (4 min)
:20 Double DB row
:10 Rest
:20 Strict press
:10 Rest