Holiday Week Schedule
Thursday: 8am Bootcamp, 9am CrossFit. No other classes.
Come in and get sweaty before eating your day away!
Friday: 9am, 4:30pm, & 5:30pm CrossFit. No other classes.
Saturday-Sunday: Normal class schedule.
TUESDAY Strength Back Squat [Video] Complete 7 Sets of 3 Back Squats. Choose weight based on how you feel today. Use the same weight across all sets.
Conditioning AMRAP in 8 Minutes: • 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (#50/35) • 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
* Increase Snatch by 10 reps every round.
Optional Additional Work 4 Rounds For Total Time: • 25 Calorie Row • Rest 1 Minute
Back Squats