Amplify is honored to fund raise once again for Barbells for Boobs!
Join us as we work together to raise money for breast cancer awareness and in support of Mammograms in Action.
Donate: Donation page HERE. Help support the cause!
Workouts will run at 8am, 9am, and 10am.
2019 B4B Workout
Partner Workout
30 Clean & Jerks (#135/95; 8am = DB Sprawl + Curl & Press)
25 Synchronized Barbell Burpees
100 Calorie Row (8am = MedBall Sit-ups)
25 Synchronized Barbell Burpees
100 Calorie Airdyne
25 Synchronized Barbell Burpees
30 Clean & Jerks (#135/95; 8am = DB Sprawl + Curl & Press)