Gymnastics work and an AMRAP for Thursday!
Amplify Open
Saturday & Sunday, August 20-21. Registration is open!
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Deadline is tomorrow, Friday, August 5!
Amplify Appreciation This month, we are going to do some things as a "thank you" to you, the AmpFam. THANKS FOR ALL YOU BRING TO AMPLIFY! YES, YOU! :)
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THURSDAY Skill Work Toes to Bar [Video] Muscle-ups [Video] Rope Climbs [Video]
* Scaled athletes: work on kipping and stringing 2-3 T2B or 5-10 K2E; work on establishing a foot clamp and 1-2 Rope Climbs; and work on jumping on top of the bar for Bar Muscle-ups.
* Rx athletes: work on 8-12 unbroken T2B; complete 3-5 Rope Climbs, work on Bar or Ring Muscle-ups.
* Rx+ athletes: complete 1 max effort unbroken T2B; work on legless Rope Climbs; work on stringing 3-5 Bar or Ring Muscle-ups.
Conditioning AMRAP in 20 Minutes: • Row 250 meters • 10 Strict Pull-ups • 15 V-ups • 20 Ball Slams
Rope Climbs