Oly Lifting and a 5-Rounder for midweek!
Amp White Sox Outing
This weekend-- July 24. There are some extra tickets available!
See a coach this week.
Amplify Open
Saturday & Sunday, August 20-21. Registration is open!
Details here!
Coach Sean!
Sean qualified for the Granite Games and accepted the invitation to represent Amplify in Minnesota in September!
WEDNESDAY Strength Power Snatch [Video] Power Clean [Video]
Take 18 total minutes to hit these percentage sets for each lift: 4 reps @70% 2 reps @80% 1 rep @90% 2 reps @80% 4 reps @70%
Conditioning 5 Rounds For Total Time: • 10 Deadlifts (#155/105 Rx; #185/125 Rx+) • 6 Hang Power Cleans • Shuttle Run (Turf Width Down/Back x 3)
* Rest 1 minute in between rounds.
Power Snatch