Sunday Funday as we work through the "1775" Hero WOD!
We are closed the evening of Thursday, July 14.
Amp White Sox Outing
July 24. Tickets need to be purchased ASAP!
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Amplify Open
Saturday & Sunday, August 20-21. Registration is open!
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SUNDAY Partner Conditioning "1775" AMRAP in 30 Minutes: • 17 Power Cleans (#135/95) • 75 Air Squats
After each round, partners will unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters. They will then take the weight plates and carry them 200 meters. At that point, partners will reload the barbell for the next round.
"1775" is performed in celebration of the founding of the United States Army on June 14, 1775, and in honor of its soldiers and their unwavering dedication to national defense.