Deadlifts and a nice MetCon for Wednesday!
New CrossFit Amplify shirts! Get in on the order.
Orders due Wednesday the 25!
We'll be doing a "Coaches' Collection" throughout the summer months.
This one is courtesy of Coach Jo.
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday and Sunday = Normal Class Schedule
Monday = 9am Class ONLY.
Come get a workout in and enjoy the rest of the day off in honor of our lost servicemen & women.
Ladies, Lulu, Lunges, & Laughs
Friday, June 3, 5pm-11pm
Ladies Night at Amp
Details and Event Page HERE.
WEDNESDAY Strength Deadlift [Video] Complete 3 sets of 5 Deadlifts at 85% of 1repmax.
Conditioning 4 Rounds: Within 4 minutes complete the following reps: Row 250 meters 15 Airdyne Calories 25 Toes to Bar
* Rest with any time remaining in each 4 minute segment. Start at the Row each new round.