Snatch work and a Partner WOD for Thursday.Plus, CrossFit Open WOD 16.5 is released at 7pm.
The CrossFit Open ends this Friday!
We will host one last Friday Night Lights to honor all our participants and send Kristin off to her 4th straight Regional!
Join us and reply on the Facebook Event Page that you're able to hang out this Friday night!
THURSDAY Strength Snatch [Video] EMOM For 8 Minutes: 3-Position Snatch
3-Position Snatch = Hi Hang, Hang, and Floor. All through a full squat. Choose weight based on feel today.
Partner Conditioning For Total Time: 1 Round Of: 150 Double Unders 50 Hang Power Cleans (#135/95) 50 Calorie Row
Then 2 Rounds Of: • 100 Double Unders • 35 Hang Power Cleans (#135/95) • 35 Calorie Row
Then 3 Rounds Of: • 50 Double Unders • 20 Hang Power Cleans (#135/95) • 20 Calorie Row
Snatch Positions For Thursday, we'll go in reverse order of this video.
Amplify's CrossFit Open Leaderboard