Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Squat Technique and then a Kettlebell 5 Rounder.

Announcements: It's coming up!!!  CrossFit Amplify and CrossFit Carbon will co-host Barbell For Boobs on October 19. Amplify heat registration is almost full.  Check the heat status HERE!

WEDNESDAY Skill Work Squat Therapy [YouTube]

Back Squat [mpg] 5x5 @75% of 1repmax focusing on proper squat technique.

Conditioning 5 Rounds For Time: • 12 KB Stationary Reverse Lunges (6 per leg) (#70/55) • 12 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (#70/55) • 12 V-ups

Squat Therapy Demo Plus a must read article on the subject, found HERE.  Check it out!