Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Front Squats, a Wall Ball MetCon, and Sleds!


Thanks to all who attended our Power Athlete competition on Saturday. Full results can be found here.

WEDNESDAY Strength Front Squat [wmv][mov] 3 sets of 10 Front Squats @60% of 1rep max.

Condtioning 12 minute time cap

Group A 75 Wall Ball Shots 45 Double Unders 30 Ring Rows

4 minute team sled push Width of turf (10 yards out, 10 yards back) Heaviest load possible

Group B 100 Wall Ball Shots 90 Double Unders 30 Strict Pull-ups

4 minute team sled push Width of turf (10 yards out, 10 yards back) Heaviest load possible

Group C 150 Wall Ball Shots 90 Double Unders 30 Strict Pull-ups

4 minute team sled push Width of turf (10 yards out, 10 yards back) Heaviest load possible

Front Squats Check her form... Good?