Wednesday, October 24, 2012


More Press Clusters. Because they rule.

Amplify 2.o As most of you all know, CrossFit Amplify is moving!  Our new address is 1962 Ohio St. in Lisle.

Stay tuned for the announcement of when this move will be in effect.  It may be as early as next Monday, 10/29.

This new facility will allow the Amplify community to grow as we provide more for our members during all months of the year.  We couldn't make this move without our amazing crew being what it has developed into in these past 2 1/2 years.

Onward and upward!

WEDNESDAY Strength Press Cluster: Push Press [wmv][mov] + Push Jerk [wmv][mov] + Split Jerk [wmv][mov] 15 minutes to establish a heavy press cluster.

Conditioning For Time: 30 Toes to Bar 20 Kettlebell Thrusters (#55/35) Run 800 meters 20 Kettlebell Thrusters 30 Toes to Bar

Toes to Bar Efficiency Tips