Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hump Day. Make it worthwhile and do something crazy.   Like maybe a workout with sprints AND box jumps AND double unders.  Oh Amplify, how I love (loathe?) thee.

WEDNESDAY Strength Shoulder Press 5-3-3-2-2 [wmv][mov]

Conditioning AMRAP in 15 minutes: • 100 Meter Run • 10 Box Jumps (24"/20") • 20 Double Unders [wmv][mov]

Thursday Night Amplify BBQ Join us after immediately after the 6:30pm workout on Thursday at the gym. BYOB and BYOM (drinks and meat, people). We’re hanging out from 7:30 on; show up even if you work out earlier in the day. This will start our Thursday night SUMMER BBQs. Come on. Everyone is doing it.