Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Raise your hand if you're in for Tuesday's WOD!  I heart Amplify.

TUESDAY Conditioning AMPLIFY PROMOTION WOD 30 Minute AMRAP: • Run to Maple Avenue • Row 300 meters or complete 15 Burpees • Run to CrossFit Amplify • 15 Pull-ups

*Rowing machines will be outside. If a rower is available, you must use it.  Anyone that shows up to all rowers in use must perform 15 burpees instead.

Wear your CrossFit Amplify shirt and help spread the CF love to all passers-by. It's summer.  Even if it's raining, life is good.

Thursday Night Amplify BBQ Join us after immediately after the 6:30pm workout on Thursday at the gym. BYOB and BYOM (drinks and meat, people). We’re hanging out from 7:30 on; show up even if you work out earlier in the day. This will start our Thursday night SUMMER BBQs. Come on. Everyone is doing it.