Thursday, October 14, 2021

A: Pull-ups
Take 10 minutes to Practice Kipping Pull Ups or Butterfly Pull Ups

B: Metcon (Time)
Partner workout for time
1200m Run
1200m Ski
80 Weighted Walking Lunges
80 Sprawl to Rope Slam (switch every 10)
40 Synchronized Wallball Shots
40 Double Push Up Burpees

Coaches Notes
-Run & Ski, partners switch every 200m.
-Partners can choose KB or DB for the walking lunges. They switch every 10 reps.
-Switch every 10 Sprawl to Slams
-Both Partners perform 40 WB shots
-Switch every 5 Burpees

C: Metcon (Time)
75 Sit Ups for time