Labor Day Monday we will hold 8am Bootcamp and 9am CrossFit class only.
All other classes are cancelled. Enjoy time with friends and family!
9am CrossFit WOD
AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
• Run 200 meters
• 7 Pull-ups (C2B for Rx+)
• 7 Back Squats (#135/95)
• 7 Push Press (HSPU for Rx+)
* Partners will run together and then alternate movements each round.
At 25 Minutes:
Complete 100 Calories, Airdyne or Ski.
Partners alternate as needed.
10am Running WOD
(Last one of the season!)
Running Workout
4 Rounds Of:
• Run 400 meters
• 10 MedBall Burpee to Wall Ball
• 10 Calorie Ski
Then Row 1000 meters