Split Jerk [Video]
Take 15-20 minutes to find a heavy 1rep Split Jerk.
AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
• 50 Double Unders
• 21 Hand Release Push-ups
• 15 Pull-ups
• 9 Handstand Push-ups
A & B)
Partner Battle Rope Conditioning for 10 minutes
20 seconds of Running in Place
20 seconds of Sprawl + Jump Slam
20 seconds of Kneeling Landmines
P2: Bikes
- Then with no rest, transition right into this Amrap for 10 minutes with your partner
200m MB Run (MB switches every 100m)
200m Ski Erg (switch every 100m)
B) 4 cycles of
35 seconds On / 25 seconds Off
Box Push Sprints (no weight)
Forward / Backward Bear Crawls
Sprawl to Hammer Curl to Press
Shuttle Sprints
** rest 2-4 minutes between segments