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Hero WOD Friday
”Brave Like Gabe”
For Time:
19 Clusters (#135/95)
Run 1000 meters
86 Burpees
Run 1000 meters
32 Thrusters (#95/65)
Run 1000 meters
19 clusters represent the year Gabriele died but is at the beginning of the workout to signify it not being the end of her impact on people.
The 3,000 total meters of running throughout the workout signifies the 3,000 meter national championship she won in 2014, which allowed her to compete for Team USA in Poland.
86 burpees represent both the year she was born but the movement itself is a metaphor for life. Despite being knocked down many times by cancer, Gabe got right back up again, competing and training after many surgeries.
The 32 thrusters represent her age.
The workout concludes with a run. Participants should push as hard as they can to the end, finishing in a sprint if possible.