Next Kids Class starts Monday, July 15.
Ages 6-12. See recent email & contact us to enroll!
Get tickets for the Amp Sox Game Outing, July 27!
Info here.
Push Jerk [Video]
Split Jerk [Video]
Take 15-20 minutes to complete 10 sets of:
1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk.
Only challenge the weight if your footwork is correct.
Otherwise, keep the weight light and work on technique.
AMRAP in 14 Minutes:
• Run 400 meters
• 30 Pull-ups
• 20 Dumbbell Push Press (#35/25 Rx; 20 HSPU Rx+)
A) Partner Battle Rope
For 8 minutes
P1: Battle Rope
Kneeling Landmine x 20 seconds
Plank + 1 arm waves x 20 seconds
Hollow Hold + Snow Angels x 20seconds
P2: Rows
— Rest 2 Minutes —
For 8 minutes
P1: Battle Rope
Jumping Jacks x 20 seconds
Sprawl + 2 Jump Slams x 20 seconds
Side Shuffle + Waves x 20 seconds
P2: Rest
4 cycles of
40 seconds On / 20 seconds Off
Ski Erg
Shuttle Runs
Air Squats
*** Rest 3 minutes between A & B