Partner Conditioning
Within 10 Minutes:
Partner 1:
20 Seconds of Battle Rope Lunge Slams
20 Seconds of Battle Rope Jumping Jacks
20 Seconds of Battle Rope Clapping
Partner 2:
Airdyne for Calories
* Partners switch off every minute.
”Weight Vest Wednesday”
For Time:
25 Strict Pull-ups
50 Walking Lunges
25 Strict Pull-ups
50 Walking Lunges
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings (#55/35)
12 MINS:
P1: 200m Run
P2: Ski's
*6 MB sit ups together then switch
P1: 200m Run
P2: Bikes
* 6 MB sit ups together then switch
P1: 200m Run
P2: Rows
* 6 MB sit ups togehther then switch
*3 min rest
24 MINS:
6 rounds of 40secs on/20 secs off
Lateral Lunge into side crunch (20secs per side)
Twisting MNT climber (oppisite knee to arm)
Burpee to elbow plank