Deadlift [Video]
Bench Press [Video]
7 Supersets Of:
• 3-3-3-1-1-1-1 Reps of Deadlifts
• 3-3-3-1-1-1-1 Reps of Bench Press
* Attempt to find a new 1 rep max for each lift.
Partner Conditioning
2 Rounds For Total Time:
• 40 Rowing Calories
• 40 Airdyne Calories
• 40 Ski Erg Calories
• 40 Hang Power Cleans (#135/95 Rx; #155/110 Rx+)
• Rest 1 Minute
35 min total
5 mins: 50 jumps ropes/10 rt plank hip dips/10 lt plank hip dips/10 bicycle abs
*1 min rest
5 mins: 50 jump ropes/10 forward alt lunges/10 burpees/10 reverse alt lunges
*1 min rest
5 mins: 50 jump ropes/10 biceps curls/10 flys/10 push press
*1 min rest
x2 rounds