Wednesday, April 17, 2019


We will be closed this Sunday for Easter. Enjoy time with family and we'll see you Monday!

CrossFit Easter Bunny


”Weight Vest Wednesday”
AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
Run 400m or 12 Turf Lengths 
Then 5 Rounds Of:
• 5 Pull-ups
• 10 Push-ups
• 15 Air Squats

Filly Press [Video]
Complete 3 sets of 10 Filly Press.
Choose your weight based on how you feel for the day.

Split Stance Double KB Bent Over Row [Video]
Complete 3 sets of 10 Split Stance Double KB Bent Over Row.
Choose your weight based on how you feel for the day.


5 mins w. Partner: P1- 20 sit ups P2: Plank *1 MIN rest 

10 MIN:

Lunge Length DW and BK (1x) 

8/10 AD cals 

10 Slamballs 

10 Piyo Pushups 

*1 MIN rest 

10 MIN: 

Lunge Length DW and BK (1x) 

20 DU/40 Singles 

10 Push Press 

8/10 Pulls ups/RR 

*1 min rest 

5 mins w.Partner: P1: 10 Plank Alt Toe Taps P2: Hollow Holds/Rocks 

$out= 10 reps x3 RNDS: Fly Front Raises Around the worlds (Alt directions) Prone plate raises