Thursday, 11/28: 8am Bootcamp, 9am CrossFit.
Friday, 11/29: 9am, 10am, 4:30pm, & 5:30pm. No other classes.
Saturday-Sunday: Normal class schedule.
Shoulder Press [Video]
Strict Pull-ups [Video]
Complete 6 Supersets Of:
4 Strict Shoulder Press (Same weight across)
4-6 Strict Pull-ups
Partner Conditioning
AMRAP in 14 Minutes:
• 2 Man Makers (#35/25)
• 6 Stationary Reverse Lunges (#35/25)
• 8/6 Ski or Row Calories
* Partners switch off every round.
Amrap for 15 minutes
5 Down/Back Box Pushes(width)
10 DB Step Ups
5 DB Thrusters
10 Ring Rows
20 Cal Bike
3 rounds of
“Blue Bands + DB’s”
30 seconds On / 30 seconds Off
Wall Sits(Band)+ DB Held Overhead
(1 DB/2 Hands)
Glute Bridges(Band) + DB Held Over Chest
Right Arm Bench Plank + Left Arm DB Row
Left Arm Bench Plank + Right Arm DB Row
DB Bench Press
Line Up all the BC athletes
“Plate Race”
With a stack of 10-15 plates the athletes must pass each plate down the line while sitting up with the feet off the ground. Once the stack reaches the opposite end they must bring them back to the start.
*2 minute rest & repeat once or twice