Power Clean [Video]
Complete 7 Sets of 3-Position Power Clean
1 Set = High Hang + Hang + Floor
Start at #135/95 and build as you go. Stay short of max effort.
Partner Conditioning
For Time:
80 Deadlifts (#155/105)
(Partner 1 works while Partner 2 holds a Front
100 Double Unders Each (work at the same time)
40 Hang Power Cleans (#155/105)
(Partner 1 works while Partner 2 holds a Front
100 Double Unders Each (work at the same time)
4 Rounds of 45 Seconds On, 15 Seconds Transition
Battle Ropes
Forward & Backward Bear Crawl
Wall Ball
Single Leg V-ups
Purple Plate Mountain Climbers
Dumbbell Snatch
1 Minute Side Plank (Alternate Sides Each Round)
1 Minute Rest