Power Clean [Video]
Complete 5 Sets of 3-Position Power Clean
1 Set = High Hang + Hang + Floor
Start at #155/105 and build as you go. Stay short of max effort.
Partner Conditioning
AMRAP in 18 Minutes:
• 50 Airdyne Calories
• 50 Sit-ups
• 50 Deadlifts (#135/95)
• 50 Airdyne Calories
• 50 Sit-ups
• 50 Hang Power Cleans (#135/95)
* Partners can split reps any way they choose. One person works at a time.
6 min AMRAP each
200m run
10 burpees
60 DU/100 singles
15 pull ups/ rr
250m row
15 TTB/ 25 sit ups
15 Box jumps
15 Slamballs
5 min:
Max Plank Hold without moving
Once you break, row until 5 minutes is up