Amplify In-House Comp & Post-Holiday Party
Join us TODAY for a fun, in-house competition and then tonight for Amplify’s annual Post Holiday Party!
9am start. Any partner combo.
Come ready with a partner, or we will get one set at the gym!
Partner Competition
Part 1
Within 10 minutes, find a heavy Clean & Jerk.
[Scored for total weight between the two athletes.]
Rest 5 Minutes
Part 2
Alternating Rounds, AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
• 12 Deadlifts (#135/95 Rx; #95/65 Scaled)
• 9 Hang Power Cleans
• 6 Shoulder to Overhead
• 6 Barbell Burpees
[Scored for rounds and reps.]
Rest 5 Minutes
Part 3
2 Rounds Of:
80 Double Unders (Scaled: 160 Singles)
70 Wall Ball Shots (#20/14 Rx; #14/10 Scaled)
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar (Scaled: Knee Raises)
40 Thrusters (#95/65 Rx; #75/55 Scaled)
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20"; Scaled: Step-ups)
[Scored for time.]