Clean Complex and more for Monday!
Fan Fundraiser
July 14. Help raise money for our cooling system, and socialize with your AmpFam!
Event page here.
Amp White Sox Outing
July 30. Get signed up! Details here.
MONDAY Conditioning 4 Rounds; Rest 1 minute between rounds: AMRAP in 3 Minutes: • 12 Alternating Reverse Stationary Lunges • 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) • 8 Dumbbell Push Press (#35/25)
Strength Power Clean [Video] Clean [Video] Hang Clean [Video]
Take 10 minutes and work on this Clean Complex: 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
Choose weight according to feel. Drop the bar between reps as needed.
Hang Cleans