Friday, October 28, 2016

14881624_10100123813304357_996373546_oOverhead Squats and a test of 15.4 for Friday!

FRIDAY Strength Overhead Squat [Video] Take 15 minutes to complete 5 Sets of 3 Overhead Squats. Choose your own weight and rest as needed.

Conditioning CrossFit Open WOD 15.4

Rx AMRAP in 8 Minutes: 3 Handstand Push-ups 3 Power Cleans (#185/125) 6 Handstand Push-ups 3 Power Cleans 9 Handstand Push-ups 3 Power Cleans 12 Handstand Push-ups 6 Power Cleans 15 Handstand Push-ups 6 Power Cleans 18 Handstand Push-ups 6 Power Cleans 21 Handstand Push-ups 9 Power Cleans

Etc., adding 3 reps to the Handstand Push-up each round, and 3 reps to the Power Clean every 3 rounds.

Scaled AMRAP in 8 Minutes: • 10 Push Press (#95/65) • 10 Power Cleans (#115/75)

Open WOD 15.4 Explanation