Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Snatch work and more for midweek!

The CrossFit Open has started! We will complete the weekly workout each Friday as a gym WOD during regular class hours, whether you are competing in the Open or not.  Let the fun begin! 12493831_1021643444544180_2130580769920124493_o

WEDNESDAY Strength Snatch [YouTube] EMOM For 8 Minutes: 3-Position Snatch

3-Position Snatch = Hi Hang, Hang, and Floor. All through a full squat. Keep it light and focus on technique.

Conditioning AMRAP in 16 Minutes: • 10 Pull-ups • 10 Burpees to Target • 10 Box Jumps (24"/20") • Rest 2 Minutes

* These are sprint rounds; go as hard as possible.

Snatch Positions For Wednesday, we'll go in reverse order of this video.

Amplify's CrossFit Open Leaderboard