Saturday Partner WOD!
Reminder: Tomorrow we are hosting a FREE gymnastics workshop at 11am. We will be reviewing Toes to Bar, Kipping and Butterfly Pull-ups, Handstand Push-ups and Muscle-ups.
Amplify will donate $10 to Barbell for Boobs for each person that participates!
SATURDAY Partner Conditioning AMRAP in 10 Minutes: • 10 Toes to Bar • 10 Burpees • 30 Double Unders
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP in 8 Minutes: • 10 Airdyne Calories • 10 Sit-ups • 10 Push-ups
Rest 3 Minutes
AMRAP in 6 Minutes: • 3 Deadlifts (#315/205) • 10 Weighted Walking Lunges • Shuttle Run