Friday, July 18, 2014 — CrossFit Amplify

Friday, July 18, 2014


Friday Snatch work and AMRAP madness!

ANNOUNCEMENTS AmpFam Summer Events: View all Amp social events including next week's Sox game HERE.

We will be closed Sunday morning with the Sox Game outing.


"Biggest Loser" 5K: Sunday, August 3. $30 in Chicago. Details here.

FRIDAY Strength Snatch [wmv][mov]

Every minute for 15 minutes complete 2 Snatches: Minute 1-3 @55-65% Minute 4-6 @65-75% Minute 7-10 @75-85% Minute 11-15 @85% or more

Note: If an athlete doesn’t have a 1repmax, then build as you go starting at a light weight. Keep technique sound.

Conditioning AMRAP in 4 Minutes: • 10 Front Rack Barbell Stationary Alternating Lunges (#155/105) • 20 Lateral Over the Barbell Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP in 4 Minutes: • 10 Back Squats (#155/105) • 20 Ring Dips

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP in 4 Minutes: • 10 Hand Release Push-ups • 20 Jump Squats

Snatch Pulls