Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Merry Christmas! Our 12 Days of Christmas WOD is ready... See you at 10am! Prizes will be given out to the Top 3 Teams. Don't miss out!

Holiday Schedule Tuesday: 10am class only Wednesday: No classes Thursday-Sunday: Normal class schedule

Amplify Post-Holiday Party January 18 at Mullen's. Mark your calendars! Details to come.

TUESDAY 12 Days of Christmas 2013 For Total Time: 1 Wall Climb 2 Clean & Jerks 3 Toes to Bar 4 Burpees Over the Box 5 Pull-ups 6 V-ups 7 Double Unders 8 Wall Ball Shots 9 Sit-ups 10 Kettlebell Swings 11 Deadlifts 12 Walking Deads (2 Lunges + 1 Goblet Squat)

This will be a Partner WOD, completed like the classic Xmas song: Finish 1 Wall Climb, then complete 2 C&J and 1 Wall Climb. Move on to 3 T2B, 2 C&J, 1 Wall Climb… etc.

Prizes will be given out to the Top 3 teams! ENJOY, and Merry Christmas!

Work Through Those Excuses