Friday, August 9, 2013


We finish up retest week with our Back Squats & Deadlifts! Hit it big, everyone.

FRIDAY Strength Back Squat [mpg] Take 10 minutes to establish a heavy 1rep Back Squat.

Deadlift [wmv][mov] Take 10 minutes to establish a heavy 1rep Deadlift.

Condtioning Group A In a 12 Minute Time Cap 21-19-16-13 Reps Of: • Wall Ball (#20/15) • Box Jumps (24"/20")

Group B In a 12 Minute Time Cap 21-19-16-13-10-7-4 Reps Of: • Wall Ball Shots (#20/15) • Box Jumps (30"/24")

Group C In a 12 Minute Time Cap 21-19-16-13-10-7-4 Reps Of: • Wall Ball Shots (#30/20) • Box Jumps (30"/24")

Back Squat Mobility