Monday, June 17, 2013


Back to work with Cleans and more for your Monday!


Thanks to all who attended our Power Athlete competition on Saturday. Full results can be found here.

MONDAY Strength Clean [wmv][mov] Every minute for 6 minutes complete 5 touch-and-go Cleans (full squat) @60% of 1rep max.

Condtioning Group A 4 rounds for total reps per exercise: • 1 minute Dumbbell Front Squats (#45/25) • 1 minute Box Dips • 1 minute Sit-ups • 1 minute Rest

Group B 4 rounds for total reps per exercise: • 1 minute Dumbbell Squat Cleans (#35/20) • 1 minute Ring Dips • 1 minute V-ups • 1 minute Rest

Group C 4 rounds for total reps per exercise: • 1 minute Dumbbell Squat Cleans (#50/35) • 1 minute Muscle-ups • 1 minute Toes to Bar • 1 minute Rest

Spine position in the Clean