Friday, April 12, 2013


Friday's WOD has some Cleans and KB work to finish out the week.

Reminder: Amplify is hosting an event this weekend... all regular class hours are cancelled. See below for info and join us for the competition fun!

This Weekend! The Garage Games Amplify Open.


We need your help this weekend! If you can volunteer to set up, tear down, judge, or assist in any other way we need you. Saturday is the individual competition, and Sunday has teams and masters.

See an Amplify coach if you can help.

Amplify just misses out on the North Central Regionals. Read more here.

CrossFit Open 2013

PLUS: Tickets for the Regional event at Navy Pier go on sale this weekend!

FRIDAY Strength 1 Power Clean [wmv][mov] + 1 Squat Clean [wmv][mov] Take 15 minutes to find a challenging touch-and-go Power Clean + Squat Clean.

Conditioning For Time: 50 KB Walking Lunges (#55/35) 50 Kettlebell Swings (#55/35) 50 Sit-ups 36 KB Walking Lunges 36 Kettlebell Swings 36 Sit-ups 20 KB Walking Lunges 20 Kettlebell Swings 20 Sit-ups

Classic Front Rack Mobility