Friday, January 18, 2013

Snatch work concludes another great week! Reminder: We are closed this Saturday to attend the fundraiser at CrossFit E-Town. Join in if you can.

FRIDAY Strength 3 Position Snatch [wmv][mov]

Every 45 seconds for 6 sets perform: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 High Hang Snatch This is more technique work; use light to medium weight.

Conditioning 7 Rounds For Total Reps: • 30 seconds of Max Double Unders • 30 seconds of Max Power Snatches (#115/75) • Rest 1 minute

* All members will attempt Double Unders regardless of skill. No subs. We will show you what this means at the gym.

Snatch Demo We will go in the opposite order, but take note of their bar and body in all 3 positions. Solid work.