Thursday, November 22, 2012


Thank you to our Amplify family for another amazing year. Come join us for a workout at 10am and then spend time with friends and loved ones. Enjoy, and cheers.

Thanksgiving Day we have a 10am class only.

TURKEY DAY Thanksgiving Dumbbell WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes of 12 reps each: T - Thrusters H - Hang Squat Cleans A - Abmat Sit-ups N - NO EXCUSES K - Knees to Elbow S - Snatch (Single Arm, Power Catch) G - Goblet Squats I - Incline Push-ups (Off a jump box) V - V-ups I - Inverted rows (Ring Rows) N - NINJA KICKS G - Get-ups (Turkish)

Gobble Squats! (Haha... That was punny?)