Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hump Day!  Make it a good one...

WEDNESDAY Mobility/Warm-up 6 full minutes of deadlift mobility and technique, then 4 minutes to warm up deadlift.

Strength Deadlift [wmv][mov] 10 minutes to establish a PERFECT 5 rep touch and go deadlift

* Do not challenge weight if you are unable to maintain a technically perfect deadlift.

Conditioning 3 Rounds For Time: • 30 Kettlebell High-Pulls (#55/35) • 50 Double Unders

* Kettlebell High-Pulls begin with the KB touching the floor, and finish with the KB handle under the chin with elbows above the KB handle. These may be performed like a swing, but the KB must touch the floor on every rep.

The Deadlift Set-up with K-Star