Saturday, October 6, 2012

CROSSFIT SOCIAL! Saturday and Sunday morning classes are cancelled in order to participate in the 4pm workout at Amplify. Join us! See the info below.

Friends from CrossFit Hustle have planned another road trip. They’re visiting all the way from Erlanger, Kentucky, and are hitting up 6 affiliates in 2 days. Our job is to celebrate their arrival with the Amplify Family and any area CrossFit gyms/friends.

THERE ARE TWO PARTS TO THIS FUN: WOD at 4pm at CrossFit Amplify Drinks at Fifty/50 Downtown Chicago 8pm onward

Join us for just the workout, just the night out, or both! Come for as long as you can! MORE INFO HERE

SATURDAY AT 4:00PM Team Workout In teams of two, complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes: 50 Power Cleans (#95/65) 50 Shoulder to Overhead (#95/65) 50 Pull-ups 50 Wall Ball Shots (#20/16) 50 Toes to Bar 50 Burpees

Partners must Run 200 meters before each movement. Movements must be completed in order. Split reps in any way you choose, but teams can only begin their next exercise once both partners have returned from the run.

Efficiency Tips