Friday, August 17, 2012 — CrossFit Amplify

Friday, August 17, 2012


Thrusters and Ring Push-ups, oh my.

Schedule Reminder: There is NO Sunday morning class this week.

Our Nutrition Challenge comes to a close at the end of next week!  Those involved have worked hard at eating clean for 6 weeks. We will retest our strength and conditioning portions of the challenge, have measurements taken, and cap everything off with a BBQ at the gym on Friday night!

FRIDAY Strength Thruster 5-3-1-1-1-3-5 Warm-up, go heavy, then back down in weight. Prep for WOD.

Conditioning "Coe" Ten rounds for time of: • 10 Thrusters (#95/65) • 10 Ring Push-ups

Jason K. talks Thrusters