The weekend!! Come hit up Amplify to make it worthwhile!
SATURDAY Conditioning As a team of two, complete 6 rounds of: • 400 Meter Run • 30 Box Jimps • 30 Wall Ball Shots
Partners must run the 400m together and complete the exercises in order. Split the reps as desired.
Chicago Marathon Good luck to Amplify family members DIANE, NICOLE, and JILL this Sunday on their quest to 26.2. Go get 'em ladies! Stay tough!!!
Monday Night Football - Bears Vs. Lions Come join the Amplify community at Buffalo Wild Wings on Rt. 53 for the Monday night football game. Meet us after the 6:30 WOD. WE WILL NOT HAVE A 7:30PM CLASS MONDAY for this reason. Let's Go Bears!
Barbells For Boobs
Amazing “Grace” began as a small, local fundraising event to help fund mammograms for the young women of Southern California who couldn’t afford one themselves. Before we knew it, we were receiving countless emails and phone calls from CrossFit affiliates from around the world asking how they could participate and help our cause. We are proud to say, that just one year after the inaugural event, we have over 400 CrossFit Affiliates from all over the world participating in the 2011 Amazing “Grace” fundraiser.
100% of the proceeds of Amazing “Grace” will be donated to Mammograms In Action.
FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE at Bulldog CrossFit, October 22, 9am-12pm