Friday, June 17, 2022

1a: Clean
Take 15-20 minutes to complete 6 sets of 3 Squat Cleans. 70% of your 1 rep.
Treat these as single reps.

Same weight across

1b: Snatch
Take 15-20 minutes to complete 6 sets of 3 Squat Snatch. 70% of your 1 rep.
Treat these as single reps.

Same weight across

1c: Split Jerk
Take 15-20 minutes to complete 6 sets of 2 Split Jerk reps. 70% of your 1 rep.

Same weight across

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
Amrap for 16 minutes
200m Run
3 Squat Snatch (95/65, Rx+135/85)
6 Overhead Squats
9 Pull Ups

200m Run = 2 reps