Tuesday, March 17, 2020

As owners, we have been constantly reassessing the COVID-19 situation and our status on whether or not to remain open. After Monday’s full day of classes, we have made the difficult decision to CLOSE.

As of this time, and until further notice, we will reassess the situation on MARCH 30. Until then, all classes are cancelled.

Members, please check email for details.

At-Home WOD

3 Rounds Of Cardio:
40 seconds On / 20 seconds Off:
Side Plank Reach Through (R)
Side Plank Reach Through (L)
Jumping Lunges
Mountain Climb + Push-up (4 count Climber + 1 Push-up)
Running in Place

Find something weighted or take your kids backpack & load it up!
3-4 Supersets Of:
Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps
Lying Tricep Extension 8-10 reps
Bicep Curls  x 8-10 reps (Both arms simultaneously)
Shoulder Press x 8-10 reps

More Cardio!
Load up that kids book bag or use a weight vest.
Set your exercise watch or phone for a 10 minute run.