CrossFit Open
We strongly encourage everyone to register for the CrossFit Open! Registration is now open.
We will complete the workouts each week anyway! Weekly workouts begin February 21.
Front Squat [Video]
Complete 5-4-3-2-1 reps of Front Squat.
Start at 80% of you max Clean and build over the 5 sets.
AMRAP in 17 Minutes:
• 10 Dumbbell Snatch (#50/35)
• 8 Shoulder to Overhead (#115/80)
• 10 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
* Every round, increase the DB Snatch and Box Jumps by 4 reps.
5 min Partner
P1: 20 Sit ups
P2: Plank
10 min AMRAP
Lunge down and back (length)
8/10 AD cals
10 Slamball
10 Push ups
10 min AMRAP
Lunge down and back (length)
20 DU/ 40 Singles
10 Push Press
10 Pull ups/Ring Rows
5 min Partner
P1: 3-5 Max Man makers
P2: Hold Slamball OH