Thursday, March 1, 2018


CrossFit Open Workout 18.2 is announced live today.
Watch here.
Amplify will complete the weekly workout each Friday.


Part 1

AMRAP in 14 Minutes:
• Run 6 Turf Widths
• 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (#55/35)
• 24 Double Unders
• Run 6 Turf Widths
• Rest 2 Minutes

Part 2
AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
• 20 Calorie Row
• 10 Calorie Airdyne
• Rest 2 Minutes


Reverse Tabata Hollow rocks

4 Rounds at each station, 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off:
• Row or Airdyne
• Rope Slams
• Wall Ball Shots
• Donkey Kicks to Wall
• H2H - Holding On
• Jump Rope

* Round 4 you go the full minute.
* 1 minute rest between exercises.