Deadlifts and nice MetCon for Monday!
MONDAY Strength Deadlift [Video] Take 12-15 minutes to complete 5 sets of 3 single Deadlifts. Warm up to #50 less than your 3 single max from last Monday, then increase #10 each set. Focus on getting in proper set up during this cycle. Fully reset between reps.
Conditioning AMRAP in 15 Minutes: • 8 Squat Cleans (#135/95, #185/125, #225/155, #255/165)* • 50ft Overhead Walking Lunges, #45/35 plate (Handstand Walks for Rx+) • 16 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (8 Bar Muscle-ups for Rx+)
* Increase weight each round.
Deadlift Prep
Deadlift Cues