Tuesday Double Under work and a nasty MetCon!Need work on jumping rope? SIGN UP FOR THE CLINIC ON 2/20!
Jumprope - The Rx Method
Saturday, February 20. Learn to efficiently master double unders and other jumprope basics.
Info and registration link.
CrossFit Open
Registration is open! Join the 5 weeks of online competition. Register here.
Rx, Scaled, and Teen Divisions of the Open workouts are available.
Amplify will complete the weekly workout every Friday as the gym WOD, so register and join the fun!
TUESDAY Conditioning EMOM for 10 Minutes: • Minute 1: Max Double Unders • Minute 2: Rest
More Conditioning 21-18-15-12-9 Reps Of: • Row for Calories • Thrusters (#95/65)