Barbells For BoobsPink Bra Tour!
CrossFit Amplify is honored with being one of the outreach program stops on Barbells for Boobs Pink Bra Tour for 2015!!!
Join us as we work together to raise money for breast cancer awareness and in support of Mammograms in Action.
AMPLIFY WOD: Partner Workout "Grace" Meets a "Hero" You and your partner will start off with "Grace" and once the 4 minute mark hits you will then start in on "Rahoi."
For Time with a 4 Minute Time Cap: Grace: 30 Clean & Jerks For Time (#135/95)
Then at 4 Minutes, AMRAP in an additional 12 Minutes: Rahoi: Alternating Rounds Of: • 12 Box Jumps (24"/20") • 6 Thrusters (#95/65) • 6 Bar Facing Burpees
*Scaling options will be available.
Donate: Donation page HERE. Help support the cause!