Barbells For Boobs
September 26, 2015: CrossFit Amplify will be hosting the Barbells For Boobs fundraiser event once again this year. Amplify has been honored with being one of the outreach program stops on Barbells for Boobs Pink Bra Tour for 2015! INFO HERE.
THURSDAY Strength Partner Sled Push; Sled Drag Take 10 minutes for partners to find a heavy Turf Length Sled Push + Turf Sled Drag. Rest as needed throughout the 10 minutes.
Partner Conditioning AMRAP in 25 Minutes: 50 Strict Pull-ups 50 Russian Kettlebell Swings (#70/55) 50 Calorie Airdyne 50 Calorie Row Run 400 meters
* Athletes split reps and run together.
Strict Pull-ups