Thursday, August 6, 2015 — CrossFit Amplify

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday Gymnastics Work and a Partner WOD!

Amplify Open This Saturday and Sunday we will have no regular class hours in order for us to host our Third Annual Amplify Open competition. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help, and good luck to all teams! 10891694_890917770949706_1027422878764229076_n

Words of the Week Read "INJURIES" for this week's opinion piece, complete with statistics, insight, and prevalence.Words of the Week image

THURSDAY Skill Work Part 1: Toes to Bar Options: Toes to Bar: 5 x 6 reps. Choose this if your kipping rhythm stays consistent with your T2B. These don’t need to be unbroken. You can make these singles and doubles if needed, as long as your hips reach behind the bar while you perform T2B.

Core Complex: 5 x 6 V-ups + 6 Kipping Knees to Chest + 15 Second Hanging L-Sit Choose this complex if you can’t perform proper Toes to Bar.

Part 2: Pistols Options: Alternating Pistols: 5 x 6 reps. Pistol Development Complex: 5 x 4 reps Alternating Candlestick to Pistol attempts + 4 Alternating Box Sit Pistols (12" Box).

Partner Conditioning AMRAP in 18 Minutes: • 8 Thrusters (#115/75) • 8 Strict Pull-ups • 16 Calories on Airdyne Bike • Run 200 meters

Alternate exercises, run together. Switch who starts the Thrusters each round.

Roll to Pistol Progression