Friday, May 29, 2015

Strength Work and an EMOM for Friday!

ANNOUNCEMENTS Central Regional: Keep up with Kristin and what's going on in Minnesota this coming weekend! Regionals will be streaming live the entire time at

Running For Hope: Sunday, June 7th at 8am. Support Scott and his son Kyle at Hope Children's Hospital in Oak Lawn. Details here.

Amplify Open: Save the date! August 8-9 Team Competition. Details coming soon! Event page here.

FRIDAY Strength Floor Press [YouTube] Strict Pull-ups [YouTube]

Superset 5 Sets Of: • 5 Floor Press • 5 Strict Pull-ups

Use the same weight for all sets of Floor Press. Weight the Pull-ups if 5 strict reps aren't difficult.

Conditioning EMOM For 12 Minutes: • Minute 1: 8 Power Cleans (#135/95 Rx; #155/105 Rx+) • Minute 2: 8 Shoulder to Overhead (#135/95 Rx; #155/105 Rx+) • Minute 3: 40 Seconds of Rowing for Max Calories

"Loredo" WOD Demo